Took a truncated hiatus from Zika to attend the 17th International Sympsium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections held at the Nine Tree Convention Centre in Seoul, Korea. It’s a rather quaint and unique conference, centered around one single bacterial genus (but it’s almost all about Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA), held every two years rotating between […]

The South Korean government declared that the MERS outbreak in South Korea is over today, following the release of their final MERS-CoV contact from surveillance. 186 cases, 36 deaths (case fatality rate of 19.4%), 69 long days.

It is now 14 days (one incubation period) since the last confirmed case of MERS in South Korea. Samsung Medical Centre is slated to re-open its doors on 20th July, if no further cases pop up. I believe we have seen the last of the outbreak now (finally!), although the South Korean government is negotiating with […]

A short post with no chart this time – mostly good news. There has been no new MERS-CoV infections in South Korea for the past 5 days, although there are now 35 deaths in 186 patients (case fatality rate of 18.8%) in total. This is the longest stretch without any new cases in South Korea to date. […]

Another two new cases of MERS-CoV infection in South Korea over the past 3 days (up to 5th July 2015), bringing the total to 186. One is a young female doctor from Samsung Medical Centre (Seoul), whereas the last case to date is the wife of a patient who was confirmed positive at Samsung Medical […]

Two new cases in South Korea since the start of July, bringing the total to 184 cases. These cases were confirmed by the Korean government after a brief hiatus of 3 days where no new cases were reported. Both are young nurses at Samsung Medical Centre (Seoul). There are now 33 deaths (case fatality rate of 17.9%), […]

No new cases and no new deaths with respect to the MERS-CoV outbreak in South Korea for 3 days now. In other related news, a humanised mouse model for MERS infection and a process that can be used to rapidly produce clinical-grade antibodies against the virus has been published in PNAS by a group from the […]

Just one additional case over the past 2 days, a nurse at Gangdong Kyung Hee University Hospital. This brings the total to 182 cases, with 32 deaths (case fatality rate of 17.6%). Just under 2/3 of the cases are male. No cases have been reported from Thailand to date – it should be just under one week […]

There were 6 new patients with MERS-CoV infection over the past 3 days of reporting (23rd to 25th June 2015) in South Korea, bringing the total to 181. Deaths now stand at 31 (case fatality rate of 17.1%). One more healthcare institution is now involved – Good Gang-An Hospital in Busan – with a patient who […]

Six new cases between 21st and 22nd June 2015, with a total of 175 in South Korea. There are now 27 deaths (case fatality rate of 15.4%). According to the South Korean health ministry, “only” 2,805 individuals were still being monitored as of 22nd June, representing approximately a 26.8% drop from the day before. The outbreak […]